The art of Playing Hooky

Written by: Rachael Thomas

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Roses are red, violets are blue. We know you need a break – because we need one, too. 

With our third annual Hooky Day approaching, we’re sharing 25 activities that can do with your day.


1. Read a book

Check off one of the books on your reading list, or, reread one of your favorites. 

2. Try a cooking class

There are plenty of virtual and in-person courses to choose from. Check out Eventbrite, Williams Sonoma, or a local cooking school and find one that speaks to you (and your stomach). 

3. Grab some friends and play your favorite board or card games

Text the group chat and offer to host a game night at your place. “Who’s bringing Taboo?” 

4. Schedule a weekday brunch.

You don’t have to wait until the weekend to enjoy a mimosa or two.

5. Organize your closet

As the seasons change, now is a good time to transition your wardrobe – and part ways with that shirt you haven’t worn in two years but think you’ll find the right occasion for (spoiler: It’s not coming). 

6. Take a pottery class 

You’ll end up with a one-of-a-kind bowl, mug, or vase that you might actually be able to use! 

7. Try a candle making class

You may even find your next favorite scent. 

8. Recreate your favorite family recipe 

Dust off grandma’s recipes and prepare a dish that brings back good memories. 

9. Take a walk and  make up a new route 

If you’re getting tired of the same stroll around the neighborhood, look up some nearby trails or parks to spice things up. 

10. Color code your bookshelf

Not only will it be visually pleasing, but you might come across a book you forgot you had. Or, try this with your vinyls. 

11. Find a DIY project on YouTube and try it! 

Want to learn embroidery? Go for it! Is there a new makeup trend you want to try on yourself? Have at it! But don’t stress yourself out – it doesn’t have to be some over-the-top activity. 

12. Journal 

Putting all of your thoughts to paper is a great way to process your emotions. Just let the words flow.

13. Schedule a spa day 

Get that mani-pedi, a massage, facial, or all three… it is Hooky Day after all. 

14. Try an improv comedy class 

Step out of your comfort zone – you never know until you try! Who knows, you may be funnier than you think. And laughter is always the best medicine. 

15. Head to a haunted house 

Go with a group of friends or take your boo.

16. Go axe throwing

Let off some steam and get a good arm workout in. 

17. Visit a petting zoo

Spending time with animals will do your heart good. Tell Carole Baskin we said hi.

18. Write the first chapter of your book

Kick that imposter syndrome to the curb! Whether it’s a comic, a thriller, or a memoir, it's time to get it out of your head and on a page.

19. Binge watch one of your favorite childhood shows. 

Just pretend it’s a Saturday morning and you’re wrapped up in a blanket watching one of your fave cartoons. Ah, the nostalgia. 

20. Take a luxurious bubble bath

Light a candle, dim the lights, and let the warm water do its thing.  

21. Host a paint and sip with friends

All painting skills are welcome! Just remember the bubbly. ;) 

22. Spend some time at the beach

There’s still time before the chill is fully here. Don’t forget your sunscreen! 

23. Learn a new skill

Sites like Skillshare, Udemy, and MasterClass offer thousands of courses to try whatever your heart desires. 

24. Color or create something

Get a fun adult coloring book or look up some free coloring pages online. Get a cheap sketchbook from your craft store and draw up whatever comes to mind. 

25. Practice the art of doing nothing

Literally, don’t do anything. Now we know this might be tricky since we’re programmed to always go, go, go. But all you have to do is find a comfortable place to sit – your bed, the couch, in a hammock – and breathe. 

The bottom line…

Playing Hooky looks different for everyone. As long as you’re doing something you enjoy, then you’re doing it right. Check out the Hooky Day prep guide for more ideas, an OOO checklist and more. Sign up and let us know when you’re taking your Hooky Day and download your free guide


Hooky Wellness’ Founder on Creating Hooky Day


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